
Police Chief’s Unexpected Statement on Budapest’s Safety

The city of Budapest, the magnificent Hungarian capital, has been declared one of the safest capitals in the world according to a recent interview with Budapest police chief Tamás Terdik. In the interview conducted by government-affiliated Magyar Nemzet, Mr. Terdik stated that the Budapest Police (BRFK) had successfully secured 3,240 events in Budapest in 2023, with only 13 events being banned or restricted. This showcases the BRFK’s commitment to ensuring the right to peaceful demonstrations and public assemblies in the city.

Among the major events secured by the Budapest police were the visit of Pope Francis, the World Athletics Championships, and the 2023 UEFA Europa League final. Mr. Terdik also mentioned that independent surveys have consistently rated Budapest as one of the world’s safest capitals, with the police’s average arrival time to any crime scene being just 12 minutes, the lowest in the country.

Furthermore, Mr. Terdik highlighted a report by a well-known tourism magazine that rated Budapest as the world’s third safest city for women traveling alone. Additionally, the Jewish News Syndicate mentioned last year that Budapest was the only European capital deserving to be called a safe place for Jews.

Despite these positive accolades, Mr. Terdik did acknowledge that there were 35 murders in Budapest last year. However, he noted that the police were able to uncover all of them. Moreover, the number of burglaries and car thefts in the city has significantly decreased, with the police managing to reduce car thefts from 3,300 in 2010 to just 103 in 2023, with a 95% efficacy rate in catching perpetrators.

In March, the General Assembly of Budapest unanimously approved the police chief’s report, further solidifying the city’s reputation for safety and security. It is clear that Budapest continues to be a safe and welcoming destination for residents and tourists alike.



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