
President Erdogan Urges Protection of Seas: Last Minute News from Turkey

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Launches 2024-2025 Aquaculture Hunting Season

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan recently attended the opening of the 2024-2025 aquaculture hunting season at the Yenikapı Fishing Shelter. In his speech at the event, President Erdoğan expressed his excitement for the new season and wished for a fruitful year ahead for the fishermen. He highlighted the government’s support for the fishing sector, including direct cash support and fuel subsidies, totaling 45 billion liras. Additionally, efforts have been made to increase fish stocks through fish breeding activities in both seas and inland waters.

President Erdoğan emphasized the importance of protecting the seas and addressing environmental challenges facing the fishing industry. He pointed out the recent incidents of pollution in the Gulf of Izmir and the mucilage problem in the Golden Horn, calling for more sensitivity and responsible actions from fishermen. Erdoğan acknowledged the success of the aquaculture sector in reaching new milestones in production and exports, contributing significantly to the national economy.

Furthermore, President Erdoğan highlighted the government’s efforts to enhance international fishing agreements and increase overseas fishing activities. He emphasized the need for fishermen to comply with fishing regulations and protect the environment, as the seas and fish are not just inherited but entrusted to us for future generations. Erdoğan encouraged fishermen to continue their hard work and dedication in safeguarding the blue waters.

As the new aquaculture hunting season kicks off, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s message resonates with the importance of sustainable fishing practices, environmental conservation, and responsible stewardship of our marine resources. With the government’s support and the commitment of fishermen, the fishing sector is poised for another successful year ahead.



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