
President Tatar Joins Opening of BRT U-16 Women’s Basketball Tournament

President Ersin Tatar Attends BRT U-16 Women’s Basketball Tournament

President Ersin Tatar recently attended the opening of the BRT U-16 Women’s Basketball Tournament with the theme “One Spirit, One Victory.” The tournament was organized by Levent Schools as part of the 60th-anniversary events of Bayrak Radio and Television Corporation (BRTK).

During his speech at the event, President Tatar extended a warm welcome to the girls’ teams from Turkey and Azerbaijan. He also expressed his hope that the 60th anniversary of BRTK’s establishment would be a fruitful one.

President Tatar emphasized that the foundations of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus were laid 60 years ago, and spoke out against the outdated international embargoes imposed on sports. He also reminded attendees that the President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has called for the removal of these embargoes in international meetings.

Congratulating the organizers of the tournament, President Tatar emphasized the importance of brotherhood and stated that the games would bring them closer together. He also emphasized that unity between TRNC, Turkey, and Azerbaijan would make them stronger as a whole.



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