
Protest by Animal Producers and Breeders Union Supported by Unions, Political Parties, and Organizations Against Prime Ministry

Animal Producers and Breeders Union in Protest at Prime Ministry

The Animal Producers and Breeders Union, along with support from various unions, political parties, and organizations, held a protest in front of the Prime Ministry. The union President, Mustafa Naimoğulları, criticized the Minister of Agriculture, the Minister of Public Works, and the Prime Minister in his speech, stating their determination to protect production through their collective efforts.

KTAMS President Güven Bengihan also addressed the crowd, expressing their presence in the square as a means to increase social unity and protect the future, production, and youth. Bengihan emphasized, “This country is ours, that’s why we are in the squares.”

Public Works President Ahmet Serdaroğlu added to the sentiments, declaring, “This is just the beginning, continue the struggle.”

Following the speeches, the protest action continued with chants and slogans, showcasing the unity and determination of the participants.



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