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Public Vehicles Sale Begins as Part of Cost-Saving Measures

Government to Liquidate Surplus Vehicles in Public Sector

As part of the Public Savings and Efficiency Package, the government has decided to liquidate surplus and obsolete vehicles in the public sector. The Organization for Providing Public Resources (ÖİB) has been authorized to sell vehicles and construction equipment on behalf of public institutions, and has already started this process.

The main goal of this initiative is to sell public vehicles quickly, organize inventory, contribute to the public budget with the income from sales, and create savings in the public sector. To streamline the sales process, the Privatization Administration has collaborated with the Ministry of Commerce. Tenders for the sale of public vehicles will be conducted through the auction method on the “” website, where the Ministry also sells vehicles remaining at customs. This electronic platform aims to expedite the tender process.

Interested buyers, whether real or legal persons, are required to become members of the “” website, regularly monitor announcements, and participate in tenders by depositing a cash guarantee. The highest bid will secure the purchase, and the vehicle must be collected from the relevant public institution and registered in the buyer’s name.

Demand for these public vehicles is expected to be high, as participants will have the opportunity to personally inspect the vehicles kept by the relevant institutions before the tender. Approximately 1200 vehicles have already been requested for sale to the Privatization Administration from various public institutions. The first batch of 11 vehicles is set for bidding until Monday, January 20, with plans to gradually auction off 80 to 100 vehicles per week in the future.

The Privatization Administration anticipates a strong interest in these second-hand vehicles, as they become available for sale to the public. Stay tuned for exciting auctions and opportunities to purchase well-maintained vehicles at competitive prices!



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