
Putin pledges improved working conditions for Uzbekistan labor migrants

Russian President Vladimir Putin has reiterated the importance of providing decent working conditions and social protection for citizens of Uzbekistan who live and work in Russia. During his visit to Tashkent, Putin emphasized that over one million Uzbek labor migrants are contributing significantly to the development of the Russian economy.

In a statement following negotiations between Russia and Uzbekistan, Putin assured that the Russian government will continue to do everything necessary to ensure the well-being of Uzbek labor migrants in the country. He praised the migrants for their valuable contributions to rapidly developing sectors such as construction, housing and communal services, transportation, and logistics.

Putin also highlighted the importance of remittances sent by migrants back to Uzbekistan, stating that these financial contributions are a significant help to the economy and families in various regions of the country. He commended Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev for his attention to the issue and expressed appreciation for the positive impact of Uzbek labor migrants on both the Russian and Uzbek economies.

The Russian President’s comments underscore the strong ties between Russia and Uzbekistan, as well as the mutual benefits derived from the presence of Uzbek labor migrants in Russia. Putin’s assurance of continued support for migrant workers reflects Russia’s commitment to maintaining a positive and productive relationship with Uzbekistan.


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