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Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s Constant Companions

Director of Communications Fahrettin Altun has strongly condemned CHP İzmir Deputy Tuncay Özkan for his derogatory statements towards President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Altun expressed his displeasure with Özkan’s remarks, calling him “junta-minded” and a “fragment of tutelage.” In a social media post, Altun emphasized that President Erdoğan is not alone and that it is the duty of the people to support him as both the head of state and the leader of the nation’s cause. Altun warned that any disrespect or insult towards the President will be met with legal and political consequences. He also criticized Özkan’s “immoral approach” and retaliated by returning the ugly statements to him. Altun’s strong reaction highlights the importance of respect and support for the country’s leader, regardless of political differences.



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