
Renowned Turkish Journalist Ergun Iceyılmaz Passes Away – Latest News from Turkey

Ergun Hiçyılmaz: A Notable Turkish Journalist and Author

Ergun Hiçyılmaz, a prominent figure in the world of Turkish journalism and literature, has made significant contributions throughout his career. Born in Eskişehir in 1942, Hiçyılmaz began his journey in the field of journalism by working for the Eskişehir İç Anadolu Newspaper in 1960. His dedication and talent led him to work for several reputable newspapers such as Akşam, Yeni Sabah, Yeni İstanbul, Fotospor, Tercüman, Güneş, Nokta, Yankı, and Sabah.

In addition to his work in newspapers, Hiçyılmaz also made a mark in the world of literature by publishing Yaprak Magazine and having his poems and stories featured in esteemed publications like Varlık and Hisar. He has been recognized for his achievements with 27 awards from organizations such as the Turkish Journalists Association and TSYD, and was honored with the prestigious TGC’s Journalist of the Year Award in the sports writing category. Furthermore, Hiçyılmaz received the Golden Books Award in 1993 for his contributions to the field of sports.

Not only is he recognized for his work in journalism and literature, but Hiçyılmaz has also written several books on sports and the Ottoman period. His literary contributions include titles such as Turkish Sports History, Structural Analysis of Sports, Beşiktaş, Fenerbahçe, Atatürk’s Youth and Sports Policy, and various studies on the Ottoman period.

Apart from his writing endeavors, Hiçyılmaz has also engaged in teaching, serving as a lecturer in various educational institutions. His dedication to education and literature reflects his passion for sharing knowledge and contributing to the intellectual growth of others.

In addition to his professional accomplishments, Ergun Hiçyılmaz is also a devoted family man and the father of two children. His commitment to both his career and his family showcases his versatile and multifaceted personality.

With an impressive track record and a diverse range of achievements, Ergun Hiçyılmaz continues to be a respected and influential figure in Turkish journalism and literature. His contributions have left a lasting impact on the industry, and his work serves as an inspiration for aspiring journalists and authors.



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