
Russia Launches Register of Controlled Persons on Interior Ministry Website

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has recently launched a register of controlled persons on their website, where the data of foreign citizens can be checked.

Migrants who are currently residing in Russia can search for themselves in the register by providing their last name, first name, patronymic (if applicable), date of birth, series and number of their identity document, as well as the date of issue of the document. The information can be entered in Cyrillic or Latin script.

The website provides detailed instructions on how to input the necessary data for the search. Once the required fields are filled, the system will display the results.

Foreigners included in the register of controlled persons face several restrictions. They are prohibited from registering a marriage or filing for divorce, enrolling their children in kindergartens or educational institutions, driving a vehicle, and accessing other essential services.

According to the regulations, a foreigner listed in the register must report to the official of the internal affairs agency within a specified period. Failure to comply with the restrictions may result in deportation and placement in a special institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The expulsion regime is enforced from the day the information about the foreign citizen is entered into the register. Notification of entry or removal of information from the register is considered effective from the day of posting on the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ official website.

It has been reported that banks have started blocking bank cards of individuals listed in the register. This move aims to enforce the restrictions imposed on controlled persons and ensure compliance with the regulations set by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.



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