
Russia-Ukraine Negotiation: Breaking News Update

Negotiations Between Russia and Ukraine are Still On, Says Russian Ambassador

In a recent interview with Posta Newspaper, Russia’s Ambassador to Ankara, Alexey Erkhov, addressed the question of whether negotiations between Russia and Ukraine have been completely shelved. Erkhov clarified that they have never rejected negotiations and are open to continuing talks. He specifically mentioned the meeting held in Istanbul in March 2022, stating that they are willing to use the Istanbul text as a basis for further discussions, with necessary revisions to account for new realities.

Ambassador Erkhov also discussed Turkey’s application for membership in the Brics group. He emphasized that the global economic landscape has shifted, moving away from a unipolar system towards greater cultural and political diversity. Erkhov acknowledged Turkey’s understanding of these changes and hinted at potential cooperation in the future.

Regarding human rights issues, Erkhov criticized the West for its selective approach, especially in light of the situation in Gaza. He highlighted the need for a more balanced and consistent stance on human rights violations around the world.

In response to reports about the terrorist organization PKK’s Syrian branch, PYD, opening a representative office in Moscow, Erkhov denied the existence of such an office. He invited anyone with evidence to the contrary to come forward and present it.

Ambassador Erkhov also touched upon the impact of Western sanctions on the Akkuyu Nuclear Power Plant project in Turkey, noting that the project has faced setbacks due to these restrictions.

Overall, the statements from Ambassador Alexey Erkhov indicate a willingness on the part of Russia to engage in diplomatic dialogue with Turkey and other countries, while also highlighting areas of concern and disagreement. It remains to be seen how these discussions will progress in the future.



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