
Safety Reminder for International Students: Avoid Carrying Large Sums of Money at Night

Bishkek – The Main Criminal Investigation Department in Kyrgyzstan recently conducted an event aimed at preventing illegal actions among foreign students. This initiative was reported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kyrgyzstan.

The event consisted of a lecture held for students from Pakistan and India who are studying at the International Higher School of Medicine. During the lecture, the students were educated about the rules and regulations of staying in the country, as well as the consequences of committing offenses on Kyrgyzstan’s territory.

Furthermore, the students were reminded of their primary purpose in the republic, which is to acquire good medical knowledge. They were informed about certain offenses that could result in criminal liability and were advised against aimlessly roaming at night or carrying large amounts of money.

The lecture also touched upon the importance of foreign students complying with Kyrgyz Republic’s migration legislation. It was emphasized that similar preventive activities will be conducted in other higher education institutions in the future.

This event serves as a proactive measure to educate and guide foreign students in Kyrgyzstan, ensuring their safety and adherence to the country’s laws.


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