
Scheduled power outages scheduled in three districts of Tashkent

Work to modernize electrical networks in different parts of the capital has been ongoing since last summer, with the aim of improving efficiency and reliability. Regional Electric Networks in Tashkent has announced that on April 16, power supply will be temporarily suspended in specific areas of three districts in the city.

The scheduled work includes maintenance in the following locations:
• Almazar district – “Akhil”, “Gulzor”, “Ibrokhim-ota”, “Miskin”, “Moyarik” mahallas from 09:00 to 17:00;
• Bektemir district – part of the “Khusein Baykaro” mahalla from 10:00 to 17:00;
• Mirabad district – part of the “Ok uy” mahalla from 10:00 to 17:00.

Since the summer of 2023, efforts have been put into modernizing the electrical networks in the capital. In June, there were significant rolling blackouts, with eight districts experiencing power outages on June 8.

In August 2023, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev announced the transfer of the energy sector management to an emergency mode of operation, emphasizing the need to prepare the energy system for the upcoming autumn-winter period.

During a meeting in October, the President instructed officials to develop a program for modernizing power lines and transformers by the end of 2026. The goal is to reduce the share of electricity losses in the networks by 1.5 times by that time. These measures are part of the government’s efforts to enhance the efficiency and reliability of the electrical infrastructure in Tashkent.


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