
Seeking Common Ground: Sovereign Equality and Equal International Status Confirmed

President Ersin Tatar of Cyprus has emphasized the importance of recognizing the Turkish Cypriot people as equals in order to find common ground for negotiations on the island. In a statement before his meeting with the Personal Representative of the UN Secretary-General, Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar, President Tatar stressed that confirming the sovereign equality and equal international status of the Turkish Cypriot people is essential to moving forward with an official process.

Holguin, who is set to meet with President Tatar in London, has been tasked with assessing whether there is common ground between the two parties to initiate a new negotiation process. President Tatar revealed that, during her term of office, Holguin met with all parties involved and concluded that there is currently no common ground for negotiations.

President Tatar outlined the 3Ds – direct flight, direct trade, and direct contact – as crucial steps towards confirming the Turkish Cypriot people’s sovereign equality and equal international status. He expressed disappointment in the Greek Cypriot leadership’s reluctance to see the Turkish Cypriots as equals and their insistence on a solution based on their own state rather than equality.

Despite the challenges posed by the Greek Cypriot side’s maximalist attitudes, President Tatar remains optimistic about finding a resolution to the Cyprus issue. He believes that a constructive dialogue with Holguin could pave the way for progress in negotiations and urged the Greek Cypriot leadership to reconsider their stance on sharing and equality.

In his meeting with Holguin, President Tatar plans to address these issues and work towards a solution that respects the sovereign equality of the Turkish Cypriot people. He hopes that through open and honest discussions, a path towards peace and stability in Cyprus can be achieved.


Pools Plus Cyprus

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