
Significant Decrease in Labor Migrants from Uzbekistan in Russia, Says Presidential Press Secretary

Labor Migration from Uzbekistan to Russia Decreases Due to Economic Reforms

In a recent interview with Sevimli TV channel, Sherzod Asadov, the presidential press secretary, revealed that the number of labor migrants coming to Russia from Uzbekistan has decreased significantly since 2016. Asadov stated that before 2016, there were approximately 4-6 million Uzbek migrants working in Russia, whereas today, that number has dropped to 1 million.

While this decline in labor migration has been acknowledged by both the presidents of Uzbekistan and Russia, Asadov noted that many analysts have overlooked this significant shift. He attributed this decrease to the effectiveness of the economic reforms that have been implemented in Uzbekistan in recent years.

During Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Tashkent, several agreements were reached between the two countries regarding labor migration. Asadov emphasized the importance of these agreements in further regulating and managing the flow of Uzbek labor migrants to Russia.

It is clear that the economic reforms undertaken in Uzbekistan have had a positive impact on the country’s labor migration trends. As more opportunities and stability are created within Uzbekistan, fewer citizens are seeking employment abroad, resulting in a notable decrease in the number of labor migrants traveling to Russia. This shift highlights the potential for continued progress and growth within Uzbekistan’s economy and workforce.


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