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Sinan Ogan issues statement denying withdrawal from candidacy

After Muharrem İnce withdrew from the presidential candidacy, the Turkish political scene is buzzing with rumors that Sinan Oğan, the candidate of the ATA Alliance, might follow suit. However, Oğan put an end to these rumors by making a statement on his social media account.

In his statement, Oğan reassured his supporters that he will continue to fight until the end. He also expressed his concern about the increasing provocation directed towards his candidacy in the last days of the campaign. To avoid any potential incidents, Oğan stated that he had decided to stay in Istanbul on the last day of the election.

The Turkish presidential election is scheduled to take place on June 24th. There are six candidates in the race, including the incumbent President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and the main opposition candidate, Muharrem İnce.

The ATA Alliance is a coalition formed by three opposition parties, including the İYİ Party, the Felicity Party, and the Democrat Party. Oğan, a politician and businessman, is the candidate representing the ATA Alliance in the presidential race.

The withdrawal of Muharrem İnce was a surprise for many, as he was seen as the main challenger to President Erdoğan. However, his decision to withdraw was met with criticism from some supporters who accused him of giving up too easily.

With only a few days left until the election, it remains to be seen how the race will unfold and whether any other candidates will withdraw. Regardless of the outcome, it is clear that the Turkish people are eager to see what the future holds for their country.



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