
South Korean Investors to Fund $36 Million Smart Greenhouse Project in Tashkent Region

The Agency for Strategic Reforms has put forth a proposal for the establishment of two technoparks and commercial service facilities along the A-373 highway. This initiative is part of a larger plan aimed at boosting economic development in the Buka district of Tashkent region.

The comprehensive package of measures, developed in collaboration with district and regional administrations as well as businesses, includes the creation of two industrial zones in the “Juraobod” and “Kuk Orol” neighborhoods, spanning a total area of 100.8 hectares. In addition, plans are in place to build “smart” greenhouses in the “Samarkand” neighborhood, covering 220 hectares, for the cultivation of a new tomato variety. South Korean investors are expected to inject around $36 million into this project.

The harvested tomatoes will undergo local processing, while a complex for quick-freezing fruits and vegetables will be established in the district for export purposes. Along the A-373 highway section passing through the district, a 50-hectare area has been designated for commercial and service facilities. Entrepreneurs are set to receive land allocations by March to kickstart their projects.

Furthermore, the agricultural market in the “Uzbek” neighborhood will be relocated closer to the highway, with the vacated site earmarked for the construction of multi-story residential buildings. A new road is also slated to connect Markaziy and Sadokat streets in Buka, facilitating the development of 16 houses along the route.

Moreover, plans are underway to potentially construct the “New Uzbekistan” local housing complex on the site of the “Buka Cotton Cleaning” plant. This ambitious project envisions the erection of 40 seven-story and three nine-story buildings, alongside commercial and service amenities, on an 8.5-hectare plot.

Lastly, a tourist street is scheduled to be unveiled in the “Yangi Hayot” neighborhood by November 1, featuring a vibrant array of 24-hour retail outlets, entertainment venues, gastronomic establishments, and tourist attractions along a 500-meter stretch of Alisher Navoi Street.

In summary, the proposed initiatives are poised to inject new life into the economic landscape of Buka district, transforming it into a thriving hub of innovation and growth.



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