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Standing Firm in the Truth: A Message from Fahrettin Altun

Director of Communications Fahrettin Altun recently spoke at the introductory program of the TRT Persian Digital News Platform, where he expressed his hopes for the platform to bring clarity and benefit to the country, nation, and humanity. Altun emphasized the importance of speaking truth and breaking silence in order to prevent cruelty to the human soul. He highlighted the need to stand firm with the truth and fight against efforts to hide or distort it.

Altun pointed out that Turkey, under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has been striving for truth, and the establishment of TRT Persian Digital News Platform is a testament to this commitment. He congratulated the team for their efforts and success in reaching millions of followers on TRT’s digital platforms.

The new platform aims to build connections between ancient cultures and strengthen ties between Persian-speaking regions. Altun stressed the importance of providing authentic information and breaking the monopoly of Western news sources, which often lead to misinformation and disinformation.

TRT Persian’s goal is not only to inform Persian-speaking communities but also to contribute to regional stability and cultural exchange. Altun referenced the book “Westernization disease” by Iranian writer Celal Al-i Ahmet, highlighting the challenges of communication between ancient cultures due to information monopolies created by Western domination.

Altun also emphasized the importance of deepening relations between Turkey and Iran, with TRT Persian playing a pivotal role in fostering cooperation and understanding between the two countries. He called for strategic collaborations in media and communication to counteract divisive language and terrorist propaganda.

In conclusion, Altun emphasized the role of TRT Persian as a bridge of peace and dialogue, serving humanity and promoting cultural richness and common values. He urged the platform to speak truth powerfully and continue to expand its reach to benefit all.



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