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Stranded ship off the coast of Zonguldak towed to port by tugboat

A Panama-flagged cargo ship experienced an engine malfunction off the coast of Zonguldak, Turkey. The ship, named “Furkay” and carrying 17 crew members, was on its way to Egypt with a cargo of iron purchased from Russia when the malfunction occurred.

Once authorities were notified of the situation, the ship was safely towed to the port belonging to the Turkish Hard Coal Corporation (TTK) with the assistance of the tugboat “Kocabaş-1”. Fortunately, the crew members are reported to be in good health, and it is expected that the ship will be able to continue its journey after the necessary repairs have been made.

This incident serves as a reminder of the potential challenges and risks that can arise during maritime transportation, and the importance of prompt and effective response to ensure the safety of crew members and the integrity of cargo. We commend the efforts of the authorities and the crew members involved in addressing this issue, and hope for a swift resolution to the ship’s engine troubles.



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