
Stuck in Hot Waters: Fish Unable to Abandon Their Caviar

The Black Sea is experiencing a significant decline in fish population this year due to the problems caused by unconscious hunting and global warming. The sudden warming and falling of sea water in the Black Sea have prevented fish from releasing their caviar into the sea.

Fishermen, who eagerly opened the fishing season in September, were left disappointed as there were no fish to catch. Unconscious hunting practices, combined with the effects of global warming, have led to a drastic decrease in fish population in the Black Sea.

Global warming has resulted in frequent north winds and sudden fluctuations in sea water temperatures. The failure of sea water to cool down to the desired level has prevented fish from releasing their caviar on time.

The decline in fish population has reached such an extent that there are almost no fish left in the Black Sea this year. Frustrated fishermen, who were already facing challenges due to high diesel prices, are now demanding the establishment of a Ministry of Fisheries to address their issues and find solutions.

Can Bağlan, a fisherman from the İnebolu district of Kastamonu, believes that climate changes caused by increasing global warming are responsible for these issues. He explains that fish have been laying their eggs either earlier or later than usual due to climate change, and the sea water has not been at its normal temperature. As a result, some fish have been unable to release their caviar due to unsuitable conditions.

Bağlan highlights the lack of a Ministry of Fisheries in Turkey, despite being surrounded by seas on three sides. The fishermen are struggling with expensive diesel prices, privatized and rented ports, and difficulties in accessing fishing boats to the ports.

He also points out the discrepancy in seafood consumption, as people are directed towards sea bream, salmon, and sea bass, while fish like turbot, mullet, whiting, and sprat are being sent to fish feed factories instead of being utilized for human consumption.

Bağlan specifically mentions the bonito fish, which could not release its caviar this year due to the sea water temperature not reaching 14 degrees. He explains that bonito fish only release their caviar when they find the suitable environment, and the sea water temperature is crucial for this process. When the water is too cold or too hot, they seek alternative locations to release their caviar. Bağlan emphasizes that the lifespan of a bonito fish is neither 3 years nor 1 year, suggesting that the decline in fish population is a serious concern.

The situation in the Black Sea emphasizes the urgent need for actions to protect fish populations and address the challenges faced by fishermen. Measures to prevent unconscious hunting, combat global warming, and establish a Ministry of Fisheries could play a crucial role in maintaining the biodiversity and sustainability of the Black Sea ecosystem.



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