
Student Falls Unconscious at School: Mira Remains Hopeful and Continues Lesson – Late Breaking News from Turkey

Uğraş Bingöl-NTV Ankara

A 9-year-old girl named Mira, who fell ill at school and was hospitalized, is now on the road to recovery. The incident, which put her life in danger, has been shared by Mira herself, accompanied by a pedagogue, in the investigation file.

Mira explained that she fell while playing chase and hit her head on a bench, which caused her to have a headache. Despite expressing her pain to the teacher, she was reassured that she would be fine and went back to class. As the pain intensified, Mira requested ice from her friends, but it was not available in the teachers’ room or canteen. When the bell rang, the teacher returned to the classroom.

In the following lesson, Mira’s friends informed the teacher that she was not feeling well and suggested she not attend the class. It was then observed that Mira was losing consciousness, and the principal and assistant were called in to assess the situation. Mira recalls hearing these discussions but was unable to communicate verbally.

After Mira’s aunt arrived at the school, she was taken to the hospital. The family believes that there was a delay and negligence in the process, which will be further investigated. The final decision on the matter is pending.



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