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Surviving Assad: A Documentary Series Shared by Altun Chairman

Communication President Fahrettin Altun announced on his social media account that the first episode of the “Surviving Assad” documentary series will be aired on TRT World this evening. The series aims to shed light on the horror of the 13-year war in Syria, revealing the atrocities committed by the Assad regime.

Millions of lives have been affected by the 13-year war in Syria, with Altun highlighting the torture, executions, and death orders issued by the Assad regime. He emphasized that these actions not only target the Syrian people but also challenge the dignity of humanity.

Altun described the documentary series as a powerful depiction of the events, with 6 impactful parts that showcase the true extent of the horrors faced by the Syrian people. From the suppression of a rebellion in Dera to the heartbreaking search for loved ones in morgues, the series aims to bring to light the untold stories of survivors.

Altun stressed that the documentary is not just a production, but a call to the conscience of humanity. He emphasized the importance of remembering the atrocities committed in Syria and vowed to continue being the voice of the oppressed.

The first part of the “Surviving Assad” documentary series will be broadcast today on TRT World at 19:30. Altun urged viewers to tune in and bear witness to the truth behind the Syrian conflict, emphasizing that forgetting these atrocities would mean losing our humanity.



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