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“Swearing-In at the Ballot Box: Beginning Their Duties”

Officials, party observers, and ballot box presidents took their oaths early in the morning before starting the voting process for the President and 28th Term Parliamentary Elections. The oath, taken by the officials, ensures that the election results are determined fully and accurately without any influence or fear. The officials repeated the words spoken by the ballot box presidents before starting their duties at Sedat Simavi Secondary School in Beykoz.

It is essential that officials working at the ballot boxes take their oath seriously and fulfill their duties in accordance with the law. Their impartiality and commitment to accuracy are essential for free and fair elections.

As the voting process started, it is worth noting that the election results will be instantly available on This will allow citizens to stay informed and updated on the latest election results. It is important that citizens exercise their right to vote and participate in the democratic process. Every vote counts to determine the future of the country.



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