

The Journey to Statehood: Honoring the Sacrifices of Mujahids, Veterans, and Martyrs

President Ersin Tatar Visits Families of Martyrs on Eid al-Adha President Ersin Tatar made a special visit to the families…

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Turkish Cypriots’ Statehood Upheld by Strength and Sacrifice: President Tatar

President Ersin Tatar of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus has released a message in honor of the 109th anniversary…

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Palestinian PM Mustafa emphasizes Gaza’s importance in statehood

Mustafa Has Accepted to Form the 19th Palestinian Government Mustafa, the former Deputy Prime Minister and President of the Palestine…

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Serdar Berdimuhamedov Congratulates Aleksandar Vucic on Serbian Statehood Day

President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov Extends Congratulations to Serbia on Statehood Day President of Turkmenistan, Serdar Berdimuhamedov, has sent heartfelt…

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Zhoshy Khan: A Historical Drama on 800 Years of Statehood

The “Zhoshy Khan” Historical Drama Draws Full House in Astana On Jan. 11, the Kuanyshbaev Kazakh State Academic Musical and…

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The Relevance of Jadids’ Contribution to National Statehood Studies

President of Uzbekistan calls for the study of Turkestan autonomy’s legal basis and the historical assessment of progressive intellectuals During…

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