
Thalassaemia Association Struggles with Medicine Shortage

Thalassemia Association Highlights Lack of Medicine as Biggest Problem on World Thalassemia Day

The Thalassemia Association celebrated World Thalassemia Day on May 8, calling attention to their biggest problem: the lack of medicine. In a press statement, the association’s president, Çiğdem Beşevlerli, emphasized the need for awareness and support from state officials.

Beşevlerli stated that the failure to reach the drugs thalassemia patients need causes a significant disruption in treatments and the ability to lead a high-quality social life. The association has been struggling to ensure that thalassemia treatment in the country meets international standards.

Another problem faced by thalassemia patients is the lack of employment opportunities for those waiting to be employed within the scope of disability employment for years. The Thalassemia Association has been fighting for member employment to promote social integration despite their chronic condition.

Also, the Thalassemia Center, which is in Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital, is in critical condition, and the Association is calling for essential renovations to start immediately. During the planned renovation period, the association aims to ensure that the place they move to is a safe and suitable environment for thalassemia patients’ treatment.

The association also highlights the problem of sickle cell or thalassemia detected in people who come to the country from abroad. The health system’s current state causes inadequate treatment for those who come to the country, including new thalassemia or sickle cell births resulting from parents’ lack of knowledge about carrier tests.

The association congratulates the community on World Thalassemia Day and urges the authorities to resolve their problems as soon as possible. By doing so, they can achieve their goal of reducing thalassemia births to zero worldwide.



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