
The Last Calligrapher of Kyrgyzstan

Meet Tulanboi Muidinov, the Last Calligrapher of Ancient Arabic Texts in Kyrgyzstan

Tulanboi Muidinov is a 71-year-old calligrapher who has dedicated his life to preserving and practicing the art of ancient Arabic texts in Kyrgyzstan. As the only person in the country specializing in this unique form of calligraphy, Muidinov is determined to pass on his skills to the next generation, but he is facing challenges in finding followers.

Muidinov’s passion for calligraphy dates back to his childhood, when he was captivated by the beauty and complexity of Arabic script. Over the years, he honed his skills through extensive study and practice, becoming a master in the art of writing ancient Arabic texts. His dedication has earned him recognition and respect within the calligraphy community in Kyrgyzstan.

Despite his expertise, Muidinov is concerned about the future of this art form in his country. While he is eager to share his knowledge and skills with others, he has struggled to find young people who are interested in learning the art of ancient Arabic calligraphy. Many young Kyrgyz are more focused on modern forms of art and technology, leaving traditional practices such as calligraphy at risk of fading into obscurity.

In an effort to inspire interest and create awareness about this endangered art form, Muidinov has been conducting workshops and demonstrations in schools and community centers. He hopes to ignite a spark of curiosity and appreciation for ancient Arabic calligraphy among the youth, and ultimately find dedicated students who are willing to carry on the tradition.

Muidinov believes that calligraphy is not just a form of art, but also a window into history and culture. Through his work, he aims to preserve the rich heritage of Arabic script and its significance in Kyrgyzstan. He hopes that by passing on his skills, he can contribute to the continuation of this timeless tradition in his country.

As the last calligrapher of ancient Arabic texts in Kyrgyzstan, Muidinov’s mission is a noble one. He remains committed to his goal of keeping this art form alive and thriving, and his efforts to inspire the next generation of calligraphers are a testament to his unwavering dedication. With any luck, Muidinov’s perseverance will ensure that the art of ancient Arabic calligraphy remains a cherished part of Kyrgyzstan’s cultural legacy for generations to come.



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