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Tragedy in Doğubayazıt: Worker Fatally Trapped under Debris

Agiı, a city in the eastern part of Turkey, witnessed a tragic incident where a collapse occurred at the site of excavation works on the ring road of Sanayi Mahallesi in Doğubayazıt district. Initial reports indicate that a worker named Ramazan Doğan (45) lost his life in the incident, while other workers sustained minor injuries.

As the news of the collapse spread, numerous firefighters and AFAD teams were dispatched to the scene to provide assistance and carry out rescue operations.

The incident serves as a somber reminder of the risks faced by workers in various sectors, particularly in construction and excavation sites. It is crucial for authorities and companies to prioritize the safety and well-being of workers and implement strict measures to prevent such tragic accidents from occurring. Our thoughts are with the family and loved ones of Ramazan Doğan during this difficult time.



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