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Tragic Deaths of Teenage Cousins in Unlicensed Driver Accident

Two cousins were involved in a tragic accident while cycling on the Midyat Ring Road of İdil district. A car crashed into them, throwing them several meters from the overturned bicycle. Despite the efforts of health and police teams that were dispatched to the scene, Islam Temiz was pronounced dead at the scene. Lokman Temiz was taken to the İdil State Hospital, but unfortunately, he could not be saved.

The driver of the car, identified as KA and unlicensed, was detained while the bodies of the victims were taken to the morgue for autopsy. The investigation into the accident is ongoing.

In a separate report, a man has been sentenced to life in prison for killing his mother-in-law and injuring his two sons and a relative over a dispute in Honaz district of Denizli. According to the report, Aydın Adlım had gone to his father-in-law’s house to take the couple’s children away from his wife, Zeynep Adlım, who had filed for divorce. A quarrel broke out, during which Adlım attacked his mother-in-law, Sultan Duran, with a hunting rifle, killing her on the spot. He also injured his two sons, Atalay Adlım (2) and his relative, Ahmet Duran (14).

The court has sentenced Adlım to life in prison and an additional 4-year, 9-month prison sentence for injuring the two boys and his relative. The incidents serve as a reminder of the importance of safe driving and peaceful conflict resolution.



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