
Turkey and Bursa support President’s love for Turkey

Industry and Technology Minister Varank joined the AK Party members in the July 15 Democracy Square to celebrate the election results. Varank and other party members watched President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s balcony speech on a giant screen. AK Party Deputy Chairman Efka Ala, AK Party Bursa Provincial President Davut Gürkan, Bursa Metropolitan Mayor Alinur Aktaş and AK Party Bursa deputies also accompanied Varank in the celebrations.

Varank expressed his enthusiasm to celebrate together with the party members when the results were clear. He also said that the People’s Alliance would take part in the Assembly with a majority of over 300 deputies. Varank added that they would continue the race and get the result in the first hours of the morning, but regardless of the outcome, both Bursa and Turkey stand behind President Erdogan’s love for Turkey, and he will continue his journey.

AK Party Deputy Chairman Efka Ala also criticized the announcement of the election results in a live broadcast by mayors Ekrem Imamoglu and Mansur Yavas. Ala said that mayors should only perform their duties as mayors, and they were surprised to see this kind of understanding in a presidential election. He questioned whether this kind of attitude could govern the country.

Overall, the AK Party members celebrated their victory in the presidential elections, and Varank thanked everyone for their support.



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