
Turkish Cypriot Photography Icon Mustafa Diana Laid to Rest

Turkish Cypriot Photography Legend Mustafa Diana Laid to Rest

Mustafa Diana, also known as Mustafa Salih Okay, a symbolic figure in Turkish Cypriot photography, passed away yesterday at the age of 102 and was laid to rest in the Nicosia cemetery. The funeral was attended by his family, President Ersin Tatar, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Environment Fikri Ataoğlu, photographer friends, journalists, and loved ones.

Born on August 20, 1922 in Nicosia, Mustafa Diana’s journey in photography began at a young age when he started working with the famous photographer Fevzi Akarsu. He later adopted the surname “Diana” after an Israeli woman named Diana Samuel who mentored him in photography and played a significant role in his career.

Throughout his life, Mustafa Diana became a well-known and respected photographer in Cyprus, gaining popularity among Turkish Cypriots, Greek Cypriots, Armenians, and British residents on the island. He was recognized for his innovative techniques and products in the photography industry, leading him to open multiple photography studios across Cyprus.

Mustafa Diana’s talent and passion for photography earned him admiration from political leaders and prominent figures on the island. He captured timeless moments and memories for many influential individuals, leaving behind a legacy in the art of photography.

Despite his passing, Mustafa Diana’s impact on the photography community in Cyprus will be remembered for generations to come. His dedication to the craft and his contributions to the field have left a lasting mark on the island’s cultural and artistic landscape.


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