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Turkish Language to Remove Sexist Expressions – Breaking News

The Ministry of Family and Social Services in Turkey is taking a proactive step towards purifying the Turkish language from sexist expressions. Teaming up with the Turkish Language Association, the ministry aims to promote an egalitarian and non-violent discourse in language.

One of the first steps in this initiative is to examine proverbs, idioms, and fairy tales for examples of violent language. By compiling these examples, the ministry hopes to raise awareness and promote a more inclusive and respectful language.

By the end of the year, the Ministry plans to announce the results of these studies and launch awareness campaigns. The Directorate of Communications will also be working on developing preventive policies to address these issues.

In addition, the Ministry will be focusing on digital games and their portrayal of violence against women. Collaborating with students from various university departments such as graphic design, computer programming, and software engineering, awareness studies will be conducted in this area. A pilot university in Ankara will be selected for these studies.

Furthermore, studies will also be conducted with students in cartoon animation departments, children’s program producers, and cartoon screenwriters to address these issues in a comprehensive manner. With these efforts, the Ministry of Family and Social Services is working towards creating a more gender-sensitive and non-violent language environment in Turkey.


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