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Turkish Women Scientists Conduct Research in the Arctic Ocean

Turkish Women Scientists Leading Groundbreaking Research in the Polar Regions

Turkish scientists have been at the forefront of scientific studies in the polar regions for over half a century. In 2017, Turkey began initiating permanent projects in the polar regions, with regular scientific research expeditions to the Antarctic and Arctic organized annually.

Female Turkish scientists participating in the National Arctic Scientific Research Expedition have been making significant contributions, particularly in marine research in the Arctic Ocean. Under the auspices of the Presidency, the Ministry of Industry and Technology, and the coordination of the TÜBİTAK MAM Polar Research Institute, these scientists have demonstrated exceptional success in challenging expedition conditions, surpassing planned studies by carrying out projects at 51 different sampling points.

One of the key questions being explored by Turkish scientists is the impact of climate change on biodiversity in various parts of the Barents Sea. Bilge Durgut from Middle East Technical University is leading a project focused on detecting spatial changes in Arctic biodiversity using the eDNA Metabarcoding Method. This method allows for the non-invasive collection of genetic material from the environment to study biodiversity changes.

Another project, led by Gülden Açıl from Istanbul Technical University, aims to detect antifouling compounds in aquatic environments. By collecting samples and analyzing the impact of these chemicals on marine ecosystems, the researchers hope to gain insights into pollution levels in the sea surface.

Furthermore, researchers are investigating the potential of bacteria isolated from sea ice to produce active enzymes in cold conditions. The expedition also includes studies on the detection of drug residues in the Barents Sea and the oceanography of the Svalbard region.

Over the past 33 years, Turkish women scientists have been actively engaged in polar research, showcasing their dedication and excellence in scientific pursuits. Prof. Dr. Burcu Özsoy, the Coordinator of the National Arctic Scientific Research Expedition, highlighted the significant contributions of Turkish women researchers in polar studies, emphasizing their increasing presence and impact in the field.

The leadership of female researchers in the 4th National Arctic Scientific Research Expedition reflects the growing strength of women in science. Prof. Dr. Serap Tilav, a pioneering Turkish scientist who has made multiple expeditions to Antarctica, serves as an inspiration for women in scientific research.

As Turkish women scientists continue to lead groundbreaking research in the polar regions, they are not only expanding our understanding of these remote environments but also breaking barriers and paving the way for future generations of women in science. Their efforts demonstrate the power, determination, and perseverance of Turkish women in the field of scientific research.



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