
Turkmenistan Interdepartmental Commission and UN/EU/OSCE Meeting on Human Rights

Joint Meeting Focuses on Implementation of Human Rights Obligations in Turkmenistan

On July 29, 2024, a joint meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission on the Implementation of International Commitments of Turkmenistan in the Field of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law took place at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. Representatives of the UN, EU, and OSCE Country Teams were also in attendance, as well as members of the Mejlis of Turkmenistan, various ministries, departments, and public organizations.

The meeting aimed to review the progress made by the Interdepartmental Commission in implementing national plans related to human rights over the first six months of 2024. Additionally, discussions were held on fostering cooperation between Turkmenistan and international organizations in priority areas.

During the meeting, representatives of the international organizations highlighted the joint plans and projects that are currently being worked on in collaboration with Turkmenistan. The importance of following the recommendations of the UN Human Rights Committees to protect the rights and interests of citizens was also emphasized by the speakers.

A wide range of human rights issues were addressed, with a focus on future cooperation with international bodies. The significance of organizing seminars, meetings, and consultations to prepare national reports and reviews in line with international human rights standards was underscored.

Both the Interdepartmental Commission and the UN, EU, and OSCE Country Team members expressed their commitment to working together to achieve common Sustainable Development Goals and ensure the implementation of human rights and national socio-economic development programs. This collaborative effort demonstrates Turkmenistan’s dedication to upholding human rights obligations and fostering positive relationships with the international community.



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