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Two schools rendered unusable in Israeli strikes.

Israeli Attacks Leave Two Schools Severely Damaged in Gaza Strip

The Palestinian Ministry of Education has reported that two schools in the Gaza Strip have been severely damaged and are now unusable following the recent attacks by Israel. In a statement released by the ministry, it was revealed that rocket shells fired by the Israeli forces hit Imam Al-Shafei Primary School and Al-Nasserah Primary School. The explosions caused fractures in the walls and windows of the building, as well as extensive damage in the school gardens.

The Education Minister of Palestine, Marwan Awartani, has condemned the Israeli government for the attacks, calling them “brutal” and “criminal”. He went on to say that several children had also lost their lives in the attacks, which caused great damage not only to schools but also to homes and other facilities.

The Israeli attacks have been ongoing since 9 May, with the country increasing the intensity of the assaults. According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health, 33 people have lost their lives in the attacks so far, with another 190 injured. A number of buildings and facilities have also become unusable due to the bombings.

Mohammed al-Hindi, a senior member of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement, announced on Saturday that a ceasefire had been brokered between Palestine and Israel, thanks to the efforts of Egypt. The truce comes as a much-needed relief for the war-torn area, although the lasting effects of the damage caused by the attacks will be felt for years to come.



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