
U.S. Ambassador Stresses Importance of NGOs for Providing Assistance

U.S. Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan Raises Concerns Over Impact of Foreign Agents Law

In a recent interview with Tazabek, U.S. Ambassador to Kyrgyzstan Lesslie Viguerie expressed concerns about the potential consequences of the adoption of the law on foreign agents in the country.

Viguerie emphasized that the United States is committed to providing assistance that benefits the Kyrgyz people, but noted that the new legislation may limit their ability to do so. Most of the aid provided by the U.S. to Kyrgyzstan is channeled through NGOs, which act as implementing partners.

“If NGOs cannot work, then we will not be able to provide assistance to the Kyrgyz people,” stated Ambassador Viguerie, highlighting the crucial role that these organizations play in delivering important services such as school meals, medical aid, agricultural support, and environmental initiatives.

Viguerie also addressed what he perceived as baseless accusations against NGOs, dismissing claims of “grant eaters” and emphasizing the valuable assistance that these organizations provide to the people of Kyrgyzstan, both in Bishkek and throughout the country.

The recent amendments to the Law on NGOs, which introduce the concept of a “foreign representative,” have raised concerns among international partners. With 64 deputies supporting the amendments and 5 voting against them in the second reading, the future implications of the law remain uncertain.

As discussions continue in parliament, stakeholders are closely monitoring the situation to ensure that the interests of the Kyrgyz people are not compromised by restrictions on foreign aid and NGO activities.



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