
UN Chief Warns that 40% of Earth’s Land is Degraded, Jeopardizing Food Production, Biodiversity, and Climate Crisis

UN Secretary-General Urges Governments to Ensure Gender Equality in Land Ownership

In a video message, UN Secretary-General António Guterres has emphasized the importance of equal land rights in protecting land and advancing gender equality. Guterres called on all governments to eliminate legal barriers that prevent women from owning land and to involve them in policy-making processes.

“We depend on land for our survival, yet we treat it like dirt,” said the UN chief, stressing the need for action. Currently, women make up nearly half of the world’s agricultural workforce. However, discriminatory practices related to land tenure, credit access, equal pay, and decision-making hinder their active participation in sustaining land health.

According to the UN Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), less than one in five landholders worldwide are women. This disparity has significant implications for sustainable farming practices and environmental conservation.

Unsustainable farming practices are eroding soil hundred times faster than natural processes can restore them. As a result, up to 40 percent of the planet’s land is now degraded, which poses a threat to food production, biodiversity, and exacerbates the ongoing climate crisis.

Guterres highlighted that women and girls are the most severely impacted by the mistreatment of land. They disproportionately suffer from food scarcity, water scarcity, and forced migration. Sadly, they also have the least control over land resources.

The UN Secretary-General called for support for women and girls to have a voice in protecting “our most precious resource.” He urged collective efforts to stop land degradation by 2030.

Gender equality in land ownership and management is crucial for sustainable development and the achievement of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. It is not only a matter of justice but also a pathway towards a more sustainable and equitable future.

The message from the UN Secretary-General serves as a reminder that equal land rights are essential for both environmental conservation and the empowerment of women. Governments around the world should take concrete actions to eliminate discriminatory practices, promote gender equality in land ownership, and include women in decision-making processes relating to land management.



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