
Unauthorized Gold Mining in Uzbekistan to be Punished as a Criminal Offense

Lawmakers in Uzbekistan have taken a firm stance against illegal mineral extraction by approving strict penalties for offenders. The draft law on combating illegal mining of minerals was recently discussed in the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis in its first reading.

The new legislation aims to crack down on unauthorized extraction of mineral resources from the subsoil of Uzbekistan, with a specific focus on combating illegal artisanal mining of precious metals and stones. The bill introduces harsher consequences for those involved in illegal mineral mining, including penalties for mining without authorization and artisanal mining without permission.

To support the enforcement of the law, amendments have been made to the Criminal Code, introducing new articles that outline the liability for illegal mineral extraction. These amendments also include changes to the Criminal Procedure Code, assigning the responsibility for conducting preliminary investigations into mineral extraction violations to internal affairs bodies.

The law passed through the second and third readings quickly and now awaits approval from the Senate before being signed by the president. The government’s efforts to combat illegal mineral extraction demonstrate a commitment to protecting Uzbekistan’s natural resources and promoting responsible mining practices in the country.


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