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Historic Cistern in Istanbul Turned into a Spa Center Causes Controversy

A tourist business in Istanbul has sparked outrage by turning a historic cistern next to Hagia Sophia-i Kebir Mosque-i Sharif into a spa center. The business, operating under a world-famous 5-star hotel brand, has converted the thousand 500-year-old cistern into a spa center offering various massage services.

Promoting the unique experience of a spa in a magical atmosphere, the business boasts about being the only spa center located in a historical cistern that is a thousand 500 years old. However, it has been revealed that the cistern belongs to the foundation and is considered public and private property. Despite being registered as a 1st group cistern, the business has operated without proper permits or licenses.

An investigation by the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Museums found that the business had made illegal additions and unauthorized changes to the historical structure. The Municipality of Fatih has been called upon to address the violations and ensure that the approved projects are followed accordingly.

The General Directorate of Cultural Heritage and Museums has issued a press release condemning the actions of the business and emphasizing the importance of protecting immovable cultural heritage in Istanbul. The public has been informed about the ongoing investigations and efforts to rectify the unauthorized practices.

The controversy surrounding the historic cistern turned spa center continues to unfold as authorities work to ensure the preservation of Istanbul’s rich history and cultural legacy.



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