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Update on Istanbul’s Dams: Breaking News from Milliyet

The increase in air temperatures in Istanbul has led to a rise in water consumption, resulting in a decrease in the occupancy rate of the city’s dams. According to the Istanbul Water and Sewerage Administration (İSKİ), the average dam occupancy rate currently stands at 61.42 percent. While this rate is higher than last year’s rate of 39.56 percent, it is lower compared to the average rates recorded between 2015 and 2022.

In the past 14 days, there has been a rapid decline in the occupancy rate of the dams, dropping from 66.63 percent to the current level of 61.42 percent. This sudden decrease is attributed to the increased water consumption during the recent hot weather. If the dams do not receive precipitation support, it is expected that the occupancy rate will continue to decline.

Throughout the last 12 months, the occupancy rate of the dams reached its lowest point in October 2023 at 18.59 percent, while the highest rate was recorded in April at 82.62 percent. On average, the occupancy rate over the past year was around 50 percent, with predictions of further fluctuations in the coming months.

Three main dams in Istanbul, namely Ömerli, Terkos, and Büyükçekmece, provide 69 percent of the city’s water supply. Among these, the Ömerli Dam contributes the most with 30.03 percent, followed by Terkos with 22.58 percent and Büyükçekmece with 16.20 percent. The Alibey Dam, on the other hand, has the lowest occupancy rate at 30.51 percent.

Overall, the occupancy rates of the dams vary, with Terkos being the fullest at 74.25 percent and Alibey being the emptiest at 30.51 percent. Other dams in Istanbul show occupancy rates ranging from 34.36 percent to 68.07 percent. As water consumption continues to rise with the heat, it is crucial to monitor the dam levels and ensure sustainable water management practices in the city.



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