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Update on Izmir’s Major Wildfire

Teams are working tirelessly to combat a devastating fire that erupted in the Yamanlar Karatepe area, spreading to residential areas and forcing the evacuation of three neighborhoods. The fire, which began in the Karatepe area of Yamanlar Neighborhood in the Karşıyaka district, posed a serious threat as it reached homes and industrial sites.

Despite the challenging conditions with strong winds fueling the flames, teams have been relentless in their efforts to bring the fire under control. Tragically, 16 houses have been destroyed in the blaze, with 87 houses and 45 workplaces being evacuated as a precautionary measure. The evacuation extended to an animal shelter in the area as well.

The fire, originating in Karşıyaka, has also spread to forested areas in Bayraklı and Çiğli districts, enveloping the city in smoke. The impact of the fire has been widespread, prompting a unified response from various agencies. Forest teams, municipalities, police, AFAD, and gendarmerie personnel have all joined forces, utilizing their resources and vehicles to aid in extinguishing the flames.

As the battle against the fire continues, the community remains on high alert, hoping for a swift resolution to prevent further destruction and harm.



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