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USA Launches ‘Operation Welfare Guardian’ in Gaza

A new front in Israel’s war has opened from an unexpected location, Yemen. The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza was expected to open a new front from the north, in Lebanon. However, the surprise has come from the Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen.

The conflict escalated when the Houthi rebels began firing ballistic missiles and kamikaze drones at the Israeli city of Eilat, which is approximately 1,700 kilometers away from Yemen. Following this, there were reports of attacks and seizures on Israeli ships. The Houthi rebels have not only targeted Israeli cargo ships but have also threatened to attack ships heading to Israeli ports.

The United States has responded to these provocative acts by announcing the deployment of a multinational task force in the Red Sea region. The task force, named ‘Operation Welfare Guardian,’ is aimed at stopping Houthi missiles and armed unmanned aerial vehicles.

In response to the escalating conflict, the US has also deployed warships to the Bab al-Mandab Strait, which connects the Red Sea and the Oman Sea. In recent weeks, these warships have actively engaged in downing Houthi missiles and drones. Additionally, warships from the UK, France, and other allied nations are also present in the region.

The international response to the conflict in the Red Sea has drawn strong opposition from Iran. The Iranian administration has warned of “extraordinary problems” for the US if it were to launch an operation in the Red Sea. The Iranian Defense Minister has claimed that the Red Sea is a region under Iranian control and stated that “no one can make a move in a region we dominate.”

Given the high stakes of this conflict, the movements of warships in the region have sparked significant attention. The map showing the current positions of warships in the Bab al-Mandab Strait and its surroundings is concerning. In addition to US, British, French, and South Korean warships, there is a presence of an Iranian cargo ship, which some Western countries allege is being used for espionage purposes. Surprisingly, Chinese warships are also stationed off the coast of Somalia, opposite Aden.

The conflict in the Red Sea region has raised tensions and prompted a strong international response. As the situation continues to develop, the presence of various naval forces from different nations in this strategic maritime region will remain a critical factor shaping the ongoing conflict.



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