
Uzbekistan Amends Criminal Code to Combat Child Abuse within the Home

The Criminal Code is being amended to include a new clause – Article 126-1, which introduces liability for family (domestic) violence against children.

The Legislative Chamber’s Committee on Democratic Institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations, and Self-Government Bodies has preliminarily reviewed a draft law that envisages amendments and additions to certain legal documents to strengthen the protection measures against family (domestic) violence.

This draft law proposes changes and additions to certain articles of the Criminal, Criminal Procedure, and Administrative Responsibility Codes. Particularly, Article 126-1 of the Criminal Code, concerning family (domestic) violence, will be supplemented with responsibility for committing such violence against children.

During the meeting, the committee members agreed to review the draft law at meetings of the political party factions. This new clause aims to provide better protection for children who are victims of family violence. It recognizes the importance of addressing and preventing violence within the family unit, especially when children are involved.

The amendment signals a step towards strengthening legal protections for children and holding perpetrators of family violence accountable for their actions. It is an important development in the ongoing efforts to address domestic violence and ensure the safety and well-being of all individuals, especially the most vulnerable members of society.


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