
Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan Discuss Future Growth Opportunities

Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan Presidents Strengthen Strategic Partnership

During a recent meeting at the Kuksaroy residence, Presidents Shavkat Mirziyoyev of Uzbekistan and Sadyr Japarov of Kyrgyzstan reaffirmed their commitment to enhancing the comprehensive strategic partnership between their countries.

The leaders discussed current issues of cooperation and expressed mutual desire to elevate their bilateral relations to a higher level. They signed a Joint Statement on deepening and expanding their strategic partnership, underscoring their intention to strengthen ties across various sectors.

Emphasis was placed on the importance of enhancing dialogues at multiple levels, including parliaments, governments, foreign policy offices, and regional platforms. The two Presidents highlighted the need for increased collaboration within international and regional organizations, such as the United Nations, World Trade Organization, and regional consultative meetings.

In line with their commitment to broadening economic cooperation, the leaders discussed measures to boost trade volume to $2 billion in the coming years. Cooperation projects in renewable energy sources, automotive industry, textiles, and other sectors were also launched during the visit.

Strategic regional projects, such as the construction of the “China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan” railway and Qambarota HPP-1, were prioritized for immediate implementation. Proposals for developing transport and energy infrastructure were reviewed to further enhance connectivity in the region.

The Presidents also highlighted the significance of expanding interregional cooperation and discussed mutual collaboration in agriculture, water management, ecology, security, and other key areas. Cultural exchanges between the two countries were activated, with plans for future cultural events outlined.

Efforts to increase trade volume, implement joint projects, and enhance cooperation in various sectors were discussed in detail. The leaders agreed to establish an interstate council and continue active engagement within international and regional frameworks.

Specific measures to support import substitution programs, establish trading houses, and facilitate export financing were also outlined to boost economic cooperation. The authorized capital of the Uzbekistan-Kyrgyz Fund will be increased to support trade and investment endeavors.

Collaboration in the energy sector was identified as a strategic priority, with agreements on hydropower projects and energy cooperation programs taking center stage. Initiatives to strengthen transport connectivity, including the construction of the “China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan” railway, were deemed essential for regional development.

The regions of both countries were identified as key drivers of trade and economic cooperation, prompting plans for continued engagement within the Council of Governors of Border Regions. Additionally, agricultural cooperation programs, cultural exchanges, and educational initiatives will be furthered to promote mutual growth and understanding between Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Overall, the Presidents laid out a roadmap for effective implementation of their agreements, signaling their mutual commitment to bolstering the comprehensive strategic partnership between their nations.



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