
Uzbekistan restricts foreign political parties and tightens regulations for lawmakers

The president of Uzbekistan has recently signed a law introducing amendments to certain legislative acts in the country. The new provisions aim to strengthen regulations and ethics for deputies and senators serving in political roles.

Among the changes, it is now prohibited for deputies and senators to hold a residence permit in a foreign state. Additionally, if a deputy is absent from faction meetings for 30 days without valid reasons, their powers may be terminated prematurely. The creation and activities of political parties from foreign states and their subdivisions are also banned on Uzbekistan’s territory.

Furthermore, the law outlines measures for violations of the code of ethics for deputies and senators, such as issuing warnings, requiring apologies, publicizing violations, and withholding salary. Similar measures apply to deputies of regional, district, and city councils of people’s deputies.

One notable measure includes withholding one day’s salary from a deputy or senator for each instance of non-participation in meetings without valid reasons. These amendments aim to ensure accountability and responsible behavior among political representatives in the country.


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