
Uzbekistan to Import 1 Million Tons of Coal from Afghanistan

Uzbekistan Strengthens Ties with Afghanistan: Plans to Import 1 Million Tons of Coal and Start Construction at Imam Al-Bukhari Madrasa

In a bid to strengthen ties with Afghanistan, Uzbekistan has revealed plans to import over 1 million tons of coal from its neighboring country. The news comes after a delegation led by Transport Minister Ilhom Makhkamov visited Afghanistan on May 12 and held talks with Acting Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi.

During the negotiations, Minister Makhkamov highlighted the importance of the “Uzbekistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan” railway project and arrived with a team of engineers to lay the groundwork for its development. Another Uzbek delegation is set to follow in the coming weeks, equipped with the necessary resources for the construction of the Afghan railway.

Furthermore, Ismatulla Ergashev, the Special Representative of the President of Uzbekistan for Afghanistan, announced initiatives aimed at facilitating visa issuance for Afghan businessmen and drivers, as well as visas for education, healthcare, and tourism in Uzbekistan. The move is expected to further enhance bilateral relations between the two nations.

In addition, a technical group is scheduled to visit Kabul soon to finalize the purchase of coal, while engineers are poised to kickstart construction work at the Imam al-Bukhari Madrasa in Mazar-i-Sharif. Uzbekistan has also expressed its readiness to collaborate with the Afghan Ministry of Information and Culture in the restoration of historical sites and places of pilgrimage.

These developments mark a significant step towards fostering closer cooperation between Uzbekistan and Afghanistan, paving the way for enhanced economic and cultural ties in the region.


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