
“Van Election Results 2023: When and What Time Will the President and Deputy Vote Rates be Announced?”

Van Election Results to Be Announced on May 14, 2023

The upcoming elections in Van, which will elect 8 deputies, are of great importance for both parties and presidential candidates. Being one of the cities with a large number of voters, Van will also affect the general rates with the election results.

The districts that will affect the election results in Van are as follows; Edremit, İpekyolu, Tusba, Bahçesaray, Başkale, Çaldıran, Çatak, Erciş, Gevaş, Gürpınar, Muradiye, Özalp and Saray.

Voting will end at 17.00 in the elections that will take place on Sunday, May 14, 2023. According to the “election bans” rules of the YSK published in the Official Gazette, it will be forbidden to make news predictions and comments on the elections and their results in the media until 18.00. Between 18.00 and 21.00, the news and communiqués to be given by the YSK regarding the election can be shared by the press organizations. After 21:00, all broadcasts will be free, YSK will be able to set this time earlier. Van election results will be announced on Sunday, May 14, at the latest, after 21:00.

The votes of parties and presidential candidates can be followed instantly on the CNN TÜRK Election 2023 page. At the same time, evaluations about the election, the latest data and all other details will be on CNN TÜRK live broadcast.

The AK Party and CHP deputy candidates for Van can be found on the CNN TÜRK website. The AK Party candidates are as follows; Burhan Kayatürk, Kayhan Türkmenoğlu, Abdulahat Arvas, a senior executive of Azad Kartal, Selma Biçek, Muhammed Calağan, Omer Faruk Karakurt, and Muhammed Affan Orhan. The CHP candidates are as follows; Seracettin Bedirhanoğlu, Ercan Çiçek, Aziz Orek, Muhlis Orhan, Meral Ayhan, Nurten Taş, Suleyman Kuşman, and Mehmet Kaval.

The Green Left Party (YSP) and National Party deputy candidates have also been announced. The YSP candidates are Pervin Buldan, Zülküf Uçar, Gülcemal Kaçmaz Sayyigit, Sinan Çiftyürek, Gülderen Wealth, Mahmut Dindar, Havin Kiyê, Taylan Ertaş, and Özlem Parlak. The National Party candidates are Haluk Terzioğlu, Mehmet Veysi Metin, Hidayet Erdoğan, Nevzat Koç, Yunus Acar, Azmi Ertek, Cengiz Durğun, and Emircan Avcı.

All eyes will be on Van on May 14, 2023, as the election results are announced and the new deputies for the city are elected.



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