
Vice President Yılmaz Offers Condolences to HUDA PAR

Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz expressed his condolences and well wishes following a heinous attack on HUDA-PAR Adana Provincial Secretary Sacit Pişgin. In a social media post, he stated, “I wish God’s mercy on HUDA-PAR Adana Provincial Secretary Sacit Pişgin, who lost his life as a result of an heinous attack, and I wish a speedy recovery to the injured Provincial Chairman Salih Demir. The judicial investigation initiated to shed light on all aspects of the attack continues.”

The Vice President’s message was shared on Twitter, where he further emphasized his condolences and hopes for the injured individuals. The attack has sparked a thorough investigation to uncover all the details surrounding the incident.

It is a tragic event that has caused the loss of life and injury to those involved. The government’s commitment to gathering all the facts and bringing the perpetrators to justice is evident in their dedication to the ongoing judicial investigation.

The HUDA-PAR Adana Provincial Secretary’s passing is a profound loss, and Vice President Cevdet Yılmaz’s message offers support and sympathy to the victims and their families.



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