
Water Supply Company in Navoi Region Penalized for Excessive Billing

Elkimyo-Suvtaminot, a water supply company with natural monopoly status in the Navoi region, recently found itself in hot water after raising tariffs for subscribers without giving any prior notice. This move led to the company accumulating over 200 million UZS in unjustified revenue, sparking outrage among consumers.

The Competition Committee swiftly took action, reporting violations related to the collection of payments for water supply and sewage services. According to current legislation, companies with natural monopoly status are required to inform consumers about any price or tariff increases well in advance. These notifications must be published in the media and on the company’s website at least 15 days before the changes come into effect.

In response to these violations, a special commission from the Committee launched a case against Elkimyo-Suvtaminot. The company’s actions were deemed a clear breach of the regulation governing state-regulated prices, which was approved back in December 2023.

Following a thorough investigation, a financial penalty was imposed on Elkimyo-Suvtaminot. Moreover, the company was instructed to recalculate the excessive charges levied on customers, with the total sum exceeding 200 million UZS.

This incident serves as a stark reminder to all companies with natural monopoly status to adhere to regulations and respect the rights of consumers. Any failure to do so can result in financial penalties and reputational damage, as seen in the case of Elkimyo-Suvtaminot.



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