
Weekend Population Directorates to Remain Open – Latest News from Turkey

In preparation for the upcoming Presidential and Deputy General Elections in Turkey, the population directorates have announced a new regulation for citizens. To ensure that everyone can participate in the voting process, the directorates will be open on Saturdays and Sundays as well.

Citizens who need to apply for their Turkish Identification Cards (TR ID) can now do so without an appointment during these days. This means that people won’t have to take off from work or make special arrangements to visit the population directorates.

This new regulation is a positive step towards improving accessibility and increasing voter turnout. Turkey has a growing population and every vote counts in a democracy.

It is always encouraging to see governments taking steps to make their citizens’ lives more convenient and easier. This initiative will help ensure that the voting process is more accessible and more people can participate in the upcoming elections.

Whether you’re a new citizen or need to update your ID, don’t forget to take advantage of the new opening hours. Go and apply for your TR ID card at the population directorate this weekend and make your voice heard in the elections.



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