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Wide-scale street protests deemed irresponsible

Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya Condemns Irresponsible Calls for Protests

Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya recently took to his social media account to address the issue of calling people to the streets and squares for protests. Yerlikaya strongly criticized this irresponsible behavior, stating, “No one can justify the chaos that arises from mixing the streets, whether it be for political reasons, legal disputes, or personal beliefs.”

In his message to demonstrators, Yerlikaya urged them not to fall into the trap set by provocateurs seeking to escalate tensions. He emphasized the role of police in ensuring the peace and security of the nation, reminding citizens that law enforcement officers are on duty to protect the public from harm.

The minister’s comments came after reports that six police officers were injured during unauthorized protests in Saraçhane, Istanbul. Yerlikaya expressed his concern over the violence, praising the police for their patience and professionalism in handling the situation.

Yerlikaya’s statements serve as a reminder of the importance of peaceful and lawful protests, while condemning any acts of violence or provocation. The minister’s call for responsible behavior and respect for the law is a timely reminder in today’s volatile political climate.



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