
Woman collapses in Tashkent airport arrival hall

A passenger fainted in the arrival hall of Tashkent International Airport, Uzbekistan Airports reported. The incident occurred after a video circulated on Telegram channels showing a crowd of people with luggage carts and a large amount of luggage in the arrivals hall. At the end of the video, one of the passengers lost consciousness and medical staff provided her with first aid.

The press service of Uzbekistan Airports clarified that the crowd of people was not related to any baggage delays. Flight HY-272 from Istanbul to Tashkent landed on time, and baggage claim began promptly. The woman who fainted was attended to by airport medical staff and given the necessary assistance.

The report stated that the crowd of people was observed after baggage was received at customs control. Some passengers with a significant amount of luggage reportedly refused to undergo customs control and clearance for goods brought for commercial purposes, despite explanations provided by Customs Committee employees.

It was highlighted that simplified customs clearance is for goods transported by individuals for non-commercial purposes. The incident serves as a reminder for passengers to adhere to customs regulations and procedures when entering the country.


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